Modelling aligned range actions


Used input data #

Name Symbol Details
ContinuousRangeActionGroups \(g \in \mathcal{G}^{c}_{RA}\) Set of continuous RangeActionGroups.
Each RangeActionGroup contains a set of remedial actions, the remedial actions of the group have to be “aligned” between each other. \(r \in \mathcal{RA}(g)\)
\(\mathcal{RA}(g) \subset \mathcal{RA}\)

Used parameters #

Name Details
pst-model This filler is used only if this parameters is set to CONTINUOUS

Defined optimization variables #

Name Symbol Details Type Index Unit Lower bound Upper bound
Group setpoint \(A^{group}(g)\) The setpoint of the group \(g\) Real value One variable for every element of (ContinuousRangeActionGroups) Degrees for PST range action groups; MW for HVDC range action groups \(-\infty\) \(+\infty\)

Used optimization variables #

Name Symbol Defined in
RA setpoint \(A(r)\) CoreProblemFiller

Defined constraints #

Equality of the setpoints of the RangeActions of the same group #

\[\begin{equation} A^{group}(g) = A(r), \forall r \in \mathcal{RA}(g), \forall g \in \mathcal{G}^{c}_{RA} \end{equation}\]

See also
