Limiting the number of range actions to use


Used input data #

Name Symbol Details
RangeActions \(r,s \in \mathcal{RA}\) Set of optimised RangeActions and state on which they are applied (PSTs, HVDCs, InjectionRangeActions…)
States \(s \in \mathcal{S}\) Set of states on which RangeActions are optimized
PrePerimeterSetpoints \(\alpha _0(r)\) Setpoint of RangeAction \(r\) at the beginning of the optimisation
Range upper bound \(\underline{\alpha(r)(\alpha _0(r))}\) Highest allowed setpoint for a range action \(r\), given its pre-perimeter setpoint \(\alpha _0(r)\)
Range lower bound \(\overline{\alpha(r)(\alpha _0(r))}\) Lowest allowed setpoint for a range action \(r\), given its pre-perimeter setpoint \(\alpha _0(r)\)
Maximum number of RAs \(nRA^{max}(s)\) Maximum number of range actions that can be used on state \(s\)
Maximum number of TSOs \(nTSO^{max}(s)\) Maximum number of TSOs that can use at least one range action (those in “TSO exclusions” do not count) on state \(s\)
TSO exclusions \(tso \in \mathcal{TSO_{ex}}(s)\) TSOs that do not count in the “Maximum number of TSOs” constraint on state \(s\) (typically because they already have an activated network action outside the MILP, and that maxTso has been decremented, so using range actions for these TSOs is “free”)
Maximum number of PSTs per TSO \(nPST^{max}(tso,s)\) Maximum number of PSTs that can be used by a given TSO on state \(s\)
Maximum number of RAs per TSO \(nRA^{max}(tso,s)\) Maximum number of range actions to use by a given TSO on state \(s\)
TSOs \(tso \in \mathcal{TSO}\) Set of all TSOs operating a range action in RangeActions

Note that this filler uses crac-creation-parameters defined here. Nonetheless, they are modified to take into account applied topological actions first.

Defined optimization variables #

Name Symbol Details Type Index Unit Lower bound Upper bound
RA usage binary \(\delta(r,s)\) binary indicating if a range action is used Binary One variable for every element of (RangeActions) no unit 0 1
TSO RA usage binary \(\delta^{TSO}(tso)\) binary indicating for a given TSO if it has any range action used.
Note that it is defined as a real value to speed up resolution, but it will act as a binary given the following constraints
Real value One variable for every element of \(\mathcal{TSO} - \mathcal{TSO_{ex}}\) no unit 0 1

Used optimization variables #

Name Symbol Defined in
RA setpoint absolute variation \(\Delta A(r,s)\) CoreProblemFiller

Defined constraints #

Let the following symbol indicate the subset of RangeActions belonging to TSO (tso): \(\mathcal{RA}(tso)\)

Define the binary variable #

Force the binary to 1 if optimal setpoint should be different from pre-perimeter setpoint:

\[\begin{equation} \Delta A(r,s) \geq \delta (r,s) * (\overline{\alpha(r)(\alpha _0(r))} - \underline{\alpha(r)(\alpha _0(r))}) , \forall (r,s) \in \mathcal{RA} \end{equation}\]

⚠️ In order to mitigate rounding issues, and ensure that the max and min setpoints are feasible, a small “epsilon” (1e-5) is added to max / subtracted to min setpoint.

⚠️ In order to mitigate PST tap ↔ angle approximation in “APPROXIMATED_INTEGERS” mode, and ensure that the initial setpoint is feasible, a correction factor is added or subtracted from the initial setpoint in the constraints above. This coefficient is computed as 30% of the average tap to angle conversion factor:
correction = 0.3 x abs((max angle - min angle) / (max tap - min tap))

Maximum number of remedial actions #

\[\begin{equation} \sum_{r \in \mathcal{RA(s)}} \delta (r,s) \leq nRA^{max}(s), \forall s \in \mathcal{S} \end{equation}\]

Maximum number of TSOs #

\[\begin{equation} \delta^{TSO}(tso,s) \geq \delta (r,s), \forall tso \in \mathcal{TSO - TSO_{ex}}, \forall r,s \in \mathcal{RA}(tso) \end{equation}\]

\[\begin{equation} \sum_{tso \in \mathcal{TSO - TSO_{ex}}} \delta^{tso} (tso,s) \leq nTSO^{max}(s), \forall s \in \mathcal{S} \end{equation}\]

Maximum number of PSTs per TSO #

\[\begin{equation} \sum_{r,s \in \mathcal{RA}(tso), r \ is \ PST} \delta (r,s) \leq nPST^{max}(tso,s), \forall tso \in \mathcal{TSO}, \forall s \in \mathcal{S} \end{equation}\]

Maximum number of RAs per TSO #

\[\begin{equation} \sum_{r,s \in \mathcal{RA}(tso)} \delta (r,s) \leq nRA^{max}(tso,s), \forall tso \in \mathcal{TSO}, \forall s \in \mathcal{S} \end{equation}\]

See also
