
Introduction #

The SWE CNE file is the standard RAO output file for the SWE CC process.
The FARAO toolbox allows exporting RAO results in a SWE CNE file using an internal CRAC, a network, an internal RAO result (containing angle results if the CRAC contains angle CNECs), a CimCracCreationContext, and a RAO parameters.


The Java API #

After completing the RAO, the user can export the SWE CNE file using this method of SweCneExporter:

public void exportCne(Crac crac, Network network, 
        CimCracCreationContext cracCreationContext, 
        RaoResult raoResult, RaoParameters raoParameters, 
        CneExporterParameters exporterParameters, OutputStream outputStream)


  • crac: the CRAC object used for the RAO.
  • network: the network used in the RAO (not modified with any remedial action).
  • cracCreationContext: the CimCracCreationContext object generated during CRAC creation from a native CIM CRAC file.
  • raoResult: the RaoResult object containing selected remedial actions and flow results, as well as angle results if the CRAC contains angle CNECs

    ⚠️ NOTE
    The exporter will fail if angle CNECs are present in the CRAC, but the RAO result does not contain angle results.
    See how to compute angle results here.

  • raoParameters: the RaoParameters used in the RAO.
  • exporterParameters: a specific object that the user should define, containing meta-information that will be written in the header of the CNE file:
    • documentId: document ID to be written in “mRID” field
    • revisionNumber: integer to be written in “revisionNumber” field
    • domainId: domain ID to be written in “domain.mRID” field (usually an ENTSO-E EICode)
    • processType: the ENTSO-E code of the process type, to be written in “process.processType” field:
      • A48: Day-ahead capacity determination, used for CORE region (so don’t use it here)
      • Z01: Day-ahead capacity determination, used for SWE region
    • senderId: ID of the sender of the CNE document, to be written in “sender_MarketParticipant.mRID” field (usually an ENTSO-E EICode)
    • senderRole: ENTSO-E code defining the role of the sender of the CNE document, to be written in “sender_MarketParticipant.marketRole.type” field:
      • A04: system operator
      • A36: capacity coordinator
      • A44: regional security coordinator
    • receiverId: ID of the receiver of the CNE document, to be written in “receiver_MarketParticipant.mRID” field (usually an ENTSO-E EICode)
    • receiverRole: ENTSO-E code defining the role of the receiver of the CNE document, to be written in “receiver_MarketParticipant.marketRole.type” field. Same value options as senderRole.
    • timeInterval: time interval of document applicability, to be written in “time_Period.timeInterval” field. It should be formatted as follows: “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MMZ/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MMZ” (start date / end date).

Here is a complete example:

// Fetch input data (network, glsk) and parameters
Network network = ...
CimGlskDocument glsk = ...
OffsetDateTime glskOffsetDateTime = ...
LoadFlowParameters loadFlowParameters = ...
RaoParameters raoParameters = ...
// Create CRAC
CimCracCreationContext cracCreationContext = new CimCracCreator().createCrac(...);
Crac crac = cracCreationContext.getCrac();
// Run RAO
RaoResult raoResult = Rao.find(...).run(...)
// Run angle monitoring and update RAO result
RaoResult RaoResultWithAngleMonitoring = new AngleMonitoring(crac, network, raoResult, glsk).runAndUpdateRaoResult("OpenLoadFlow", loadFlowParameters, 2, glskOffsetDateTime);
// Set CNE header parameters
CneExporterParameters exporterParameters = new CneExporterParameters("DOCUMENT_ID", 1, "DOMAIN_ID",
                                            CneExporterParameters.ProcessType.DAY_AHEAD_CC, "SENDER_ID",
                                            CneExporterParameters.RoleType.REGIONAL_SECURITY_COORDINATOR, "RECEIVER_ID",
// Export CNE to output stream
OutputStream os = ...
new SweCneExporter().exportCne(crac, network, cracCreationContext, raoResult, raoParameters, exporterParameters, os); 

Contents of the SWE CNE file #

Here is an overview of the general structure of the SWE CNE document, detailed in the following sections: SWE CNE general structure

The header contains meta-information about the process.
Refer to the JAVA API section for more details.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<CriticalNetworkElement_MarketDocument xsi:schemaLocation="iec62325-451-n-cne_v2_3.xsd" xmlns="urn:iec62325.351:tc57wg16:451-n:cnedocument:2:3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <sender_MarketParticipant.mRID codingScheme="A01">senderId</sender_MarketParticipant.mRID>
    <receiver_MarketParticipant.mRID codingScheme="A01">receiverId</receiver_MarketParticipant.mRID>

Remedial action results #

Remedial actions have their own Constraint_Series to report the ones selected by the RAO or by the angle monitoring module.
The remedial actions’ Constraint_Series all have a B56 businessType.


    <name>contingency one</name>
    <name>topological remedial action 19</name>
    <name>HVDC remedial action@600@</name>
    <name>PST remedial action 45</name>
      <mRID codingScheme="A01">pst_in_network@-5@</mRID>
      <name>PST remedial action 45</name>

mRID #

Random ID, unique in the CNE document.

businessType #

Always B56, to signify that this is a remedial-action Constraint_Series.

Contingency_Series (optional) #

If this tag exists, then this Constraint_Series reports selected automatic or curative remedial actions by the RAO or by the angle monitoring module, after the contingency defined in this tag:

  • mRID: unique ID of the contingency as it is defined in the native CRAC
  • name: name of the contingency as it is defined in the native CRAC

RemedialAction_Series #

mRID #

Unique ID of the selected remedial action, as identified in the original CRAC.

If it is an HVDC range action, this field is followed by @setpoint@, where “setpoint” is the optimal set-point selected for the HVDC, in megawatts (see example above)

name #

Name of the selected remedial action, as identified in the original CRAC.

If it is an HVDC range action, this field is followed by @setpoint@, where “setpoint” is the optimal set-point selected for the HVDC, in megawatts (see example above)

applicationMode_MarketObjectStatus.status #

This tag can have one of these three values:

  • A18: the remedial action was selected in preventive
  • A20: the remedial action was selected as automatic
  • A19: the remedial action was selected in curative

RegisteredResource (optional) #

This tag is only exported for PST remedial actions, to hold their tap values.

mRID #

Unique ID of the remedial action’s PST network element in the network, followed by “@tap@”, where tap is its optimal tap selected by the RAO or by the angle monitoring module.

name #

Name of the selected remedial action, as identified in the original CRAC.

pSRType.psrType #

Only one possible value for now:

  • A06: remedial action is a PST

resourceCapacity.defaultCapacity #

Optimal tap position for the PST (at instant identified by applicationMode_MarketObjectStatus.status, eventually after contingency identified by Contingency_Series).

resourceCapacity.unitSymbol #

Unit of the tap given in resourceCapacity.defaultCapacity. Only one supported value for now:

  • C62: dimensionless

marketObjectStatus.status #

Only one supported value for now:

  • A26: the tap is given in absolute value (not relatively to initial network, nor to previous instant, …)

CNEC results #

CNEC results after RAO are reported in Constraint_Series tags, with businessType value B57.


    <name>contingency 175</name>
    <name>Branch Paris-Berlin monitored in curative</name>
      <mRID codingScheme="A02">_68c74a71-224a-245f-0b52-eac5045761eb</mRID>
      <name>Branch Paris-Berlin</name>
      <in_AggregateNode.mRID codingScheme="A02">_7fb8ba77-76a2-7343-b1f9-10d8fb9bdae1</in_AggregateNode.mRID>
      <out_AggregateNode.mRID codingScheme="A02">_d5c2a18c-ef2d-10ae-4419-c832c53860b1</out_AggregateNode.mRID>
    <name>Branch Paris-Brussels monitored in curative</name>

mRID #

Random ID, unique in the CNE document.

businessType #

One possible value to signify it’s a CNEC result: B57.

Contingency_Series (optional) #

Exists if the CNEC is monitored after a contingency (if the CNEC is preventive, this tag does not exist):

  • mRID: unique ID of the contingency as it is defined in the native CRAC
  • name: name of the contingency as it is defined in the native CRAC

    ⚠️ NOTE
    Multiple Contingency_Series can exist, meaning that the following results are valid for all the listed contingencies. Avoiding redundant information allows a more compact file.

Reason (optional) #

When sensitivity computation fails in a given perimeter (in basecase or after a specific contingency identified by Contingency_Series), this tag is present with the following information:

  • code: “B40”
  • text: “Load flow divergence”

Then no more results are exported for the failed perimeter.

AdditionalConstraint_Series (optional) #

If angle CNECs are monitored in the actual perimeter (in basecase or after a specific contingency identified by Contingency_Series), this tag contains angle values from the angle monitoring module.

mRID #

Unique ID of the angle CNEC, as defined in the orignal CRAC file.

businessType #

One possible value: B87 (angle monitoring).

name #

Name of the angle CNEC, as defined in the orignal CRAC file.

quantity.quantity #

Phase shift angle value of the CNEC, expressed in degrees.

Monitored_Series #

mRID #

Unique ID of the CNEC as defined in the native CRAC file.

name #

Name of the CNEC as defined in the native CRAC file.

RegisteredResource #

mRID #

Unique ID of the CNEC’s network element, as defined in the native CRAC file and in the network.

name #

The name of the CNEC as defined in the native CRAC file.

in_AggregateNode.mRID #

Unique ID, in the network, of the voltage level on the branch’s left side.

out_AggregateNode.mRID #

Unique ID, in the network, of the voltage level on the branch’s right side.

PTDF_Domain (optional) #

Only in the hypothetical case of a relative margins objective function.

  • mRID: ENTSO-E EICode of the area
  • pTDF_Quantity.quantity: value of the PTDF associated to the bidding zone for the critical network element

    ⚠️ NOTE
    This tag is currently not supported in FARAO, since the SWE CC process (only process to use the SWE CNE format) does not optimise relative margins

Measurements #

  • measurementType: type of measurement, possible values are:
    • A01: flow
    • A02: PATL in the preventive state (input data)
    • A07: TATL right after outage (input data)
    • A12: TATL at auto instant (input data)
    • A13: PATL in curative (input data)
  • unitSymbol: unit of measurement. Only supported value is AMP (ampere)
  • positiveFlowIn: sign of the value, possible values are:
    • A01: measurement is positive (its actual value is analogValues.value)
    • A02: measurement is negative (its actual value is -analogValues.value)
  • analogValues.value: absolute value of the measurement

Depending on whether the Constraint_Series is preventive, some or all of these measurements are expected:

Measurement type Measurement Unit(s) Exported in preventive B57 Exported in non-preventive B57
A01 Flow AMP ✔️ ✔️
A02 PATL (preventive) AMP ✔️  
A07 TATL (outage) AMP at least one
A12 TATL (auto) AMP of these three
A13 PATL (curative) AMP measurements️

RemedialAction_Series (optional) #

This tag is used to report remedial actions that were selected by the RAO for the CNEC’s state.

mRID #

Unique ID of the selected remedial action, as identified in the original CRAC.

name #

Name of the selected remedial action, as identified in the original CRAC.

applicationMode_MarketObjectStatus.status #

Three possible values:

  • A18: the remedial action was selected in preventive
  • A20: the remedial action was selected as an automaton
  • A19: the remedial action was selected in curative

Overall status #

The overall status of the RAO computation is exported in a Reason tag. Here are the possible out-comes.

Secure network #

    <text>Network is secure</text>

This means that the RAO completed successfully and that the network is secure (i.e. no flow nor angle constraints remain).

Unsecure network #

    <text>Network is unsecure</text>

This means that the RAO completed successfully but that the network is unsecure (i.e. there remains at least one flow or one angle constraints).

Load-flow divergence #

    <text>Load flow divergence</text>

This means that the RAO or the angle monitoring could not be conducted normally because at least one perimeter lead to a load-flow divergence. This perimeter can be identified by looking at the B57 Constraint_Series.

See also

SWE CNE export package