What is FARAO? FARAO is a Powsybl based toolbox that aims at providing open-source, fully transparent software solutions for coordinated processes in power sytems operations and planning.
FARAO context
FARAO project is born in a particular context for European electricity system. The publication of CACM regulation1 followed by the successive launch of all the capacity calculation projects in the multiple capacity calculation regions in Europe created a high demand on IT platforms and computation tools for dealing with new services to be provided by RSCs (Regional Security Coordinators).
TSOs (Transport System Operators) and RSCs are facing high implementation challenges. Exchange standards implementation and efficient computation modules for coordination processes are key elements in the electricity system mutation.
We strongly believe that the only way to face these challenges is to build a large community around open-source tools. That is the reason why FARAO project was created.
Ambition and planning
In FARAO team, we have one ambition: create an open, transparent and modular toolbox for supporting coordination processes experiments and industrialisation. That is the main reason why we decided to base our developments on Powsybl framework, a project supported by the Linux Foundation through the LF Energy project.
We want these tools to be shared, developed and improved with the community, including:
- CGMES integration and associated files (GLSK, CRAC, CNE)
- Flowbased computation module
- Remedial actions optimisation module
The first complete release of FARAO is expected on June 2019, but modules will be released regularly as they are ready.
Capacity Allocation & Congestion Management, published on 07/24/2015. The text can be found on ENTSO-E network code page. ↩